We help to move your shipments through customs to their final destination as smoothly as possible.
- Because customs brokers leverage electronic communications both with clients and with Canada Border Services Agency and other government agencies that control the importation and exportation of goods, your customs broker does not need to have an actual office at the port of entry through which your goods enter or exit Canada.
- Customs brokers are licensed by the Canada Border Services Agency. As such an importer must grant a customs broker authority to act on his behalf.
- SIGNATURES The Power of Attorney must be signed by an authorized officer representing the Principal. The authorized officer must have legal signing authority and can include: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), President, Vice-President, Owner, Partner, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, Director, or a similar highest ranking official. In the case of a sole proprietorship, only the owner may sign.
- What is a Customs Broker & Why Do You Need One? In Canada, more than 227,000 importers deal with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) annually. Most rely on the services of a licensed customs broker to get their shipments cleared at the border. For each of these transactions, reams of critical business data must be generated, about everything from
country of origin and destinations to suppliers, tariff classifications, required certificates, and intended end use.
Traditionally, importers rely on customs brokers to pull that information together and clear the goods through customs. But many importers are learning that it is only part of the story. Customs brokers are now helping importers leverage that information, transforming data into critical business intelligence. Customs brokers are offering a growing range of specialized services to help importers develop new product lines, explore new markets, evaluate the impact of global change, and cut costs.
Business Number (BN) / Importer Number (IN): Effective January 1, 1997, all businesses dealing with Revenue Canada are required to have a Business Number or BN to streamline processing. The BN sensibly consolidates several existing business accounts (such as GST, corporate income tax, import/export, etc. ) under one single number. To convert existing account numbers to the BN / IN, call Revenue Canada at 1 800 959-5525 (or if calling from outside Canada, call 613-941-0100).
- Customs Brokerage Service
- Drawbacks and Claims
- Duty Deferral/Relief Programs
- Import Permits
- Carnet(Chamber of Commerce)
- Certificate of origin certification
- B13 (CAED)
- ACI/AMC/ISF Filings